College grad hats Mohu Graduates From College, Mohu

Mohu Graduates From College

College graduation season is here and a Mohu antenna can help new grads save money.  A Mohu antenna provides free over the air (OTA) TV for budget conscious college grads. An estimated 1.6 million students are expected to be part of the class of 2014 and they are saddled with the double whammy of high student loans and […]

Cord Cutters Should Have an Antenna, Mohu leaf antenna

Cord Cutters Should Have an Antenna

Cord cutters who rely solely on streaming content should strongly consider adding an HDTV antenna to their homes. The recent outbreak of severe weather across the Midwest and Southeast United States led to flooding, tornadoes and the deaths of more than 30 people. Fortunately, improved radar systems and early warnings allow people enough time to find […]

Scissors cutting a coax cable, Am I a Cord-Cutter, Mohu

Am I a Cord-Cutter?

Cord-cutting is a growing trend as cable bills continue to rise. Many consumers don’t know if they are good candidates for cord-cutting and Mohu is here to help sort that out. 1. Can you get good over-the-air (OTA) reception at your home? Use our TV for Free tool to determine what stations you can get […]

ABC vs. Aereo, Mohu

ABC vs. Aereo

The Supreme Court heard arguments yesterday in ABC vs. Aereo. There are two main issues that the Court will need to address. The first issue is whether or not the re-transmission of OTA content constitute a “public” or “private” performance. The second issue is murkier, and concerns the future of “the cloud” where data and […]

Photo of an open calendar on a desk with a pen and purple flowers in the corner, Cutting the Cord--One Month Later, Mohu

Cutting the Cord–One Month Later

Mohu has a guest blogger today. Last month, Michelle–a friend of Sarah’s–wrote her experience about cutting the cord. She’s back with an update. I was a little nervous when we started our cord-cutting experience and there have been a few glitches with the cable company, but overall I’m really happy with our experience. I found […]

smiley faces ranging from sad to happy, Comcast, Cable, and Customer Service, Mohu

Comcast, Cable, and Customer Service

Comcast executives appeared before Congress earlier this week as part of the process to get their merger with Time Warner Cable approved. What does this all have to do with a start-up antenna company in Raleigh, NC? According to the Washington Post, Comcast’s Executive Vice President David Cohen admitted to the Senate that, “It bothers us […]

Father and daughter walking along the beach at the ocean, Families That Changed TV, Mohu

Families That Changed TV

By its broad reach into America’s living rooms, TV has the power to change our perceptions of the world. And in some cases, TV changed our world, either by Kennedy’s telegenic appearance in the 1960 presidential debates affecting the outcome of that election, or by watching Neil Armstrong take his first steps on the moon. In […]

Changes in OTA and Cable, Mohu

Changes in OTA and Cable

Two big news items going on in the world of television are the impending Comcast purchase of Time Warner Cable and Aereo’s court battles. Comcast is planning to purchase Time Warner Cable for $45 billion pending regulatory approval. The purchase will give the combined company (yet to be named) about a 30% share of the […]

hands holding scissors, cutting a cord, I Cut the Cord and Lived to Tell About It, Mohu

I Cut the Cord and Lived to Tell About It

Today’s blog is guest written by Michelle, a friend of Sarah’s (Mohu’s usual blogger). Michelle recently cut the cord and is going to tell her story. We’ve had cable for at least the past ten years. While cleaning out some file cabinets I found some old cable bills. The same service we have today used […]

Gold sparkle background, TV Industry--What's New, Mohu

TV Industry–What’s New

Several changes are causing disruption in the TV world for over-the air (OTA), cable, and streaming content. Below, we’ll discuss some of the changes. On Sunday night Fox premiered, Cosmos—A Space Time Odyssey hosted by noted astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson. It picks up where Carl Sagan’s original Cosmos left off in 1980. The Motley Fool calls […]