Mohu Spotlight: Leaf Metro OTA Antenna
Living in the city affords you the opportunity to appreciate all kinds of entertainment, including free over air broadcast TV in HD with the Mohu Leaf Metro Indoor HDTV Antenna. For only $24.99 you can acquire all the free broadcast television channels within a 25 mile radius of your area, in both HD and standard definition. […]

How to Cut the Cord with Sling TV and Mohu
There has been much ado about the announcement of Sling TV, which is a subscription-based streaming service that will allow you to watch live television for $20 a month. People have hailed it as the answer to the prayers of cord cutters; and with the inclusion of some big name channels, like ESPN added to […]

Why the Mohu Leaf is Awesome According to Cord Cutters
Most technophiles (especially those following a Mohu blog) know about the Leaf series of HDTV antennas. Need a refresher? The Mohu Leaf 30 is the best performing, and most popular paper-thin antenna on the market. It’s what started the paper-thin antenna revolution! Stepping up next, Leaf 50 (or Leaf Ultimate), which of course includes an […]

Cut The Cord With Mohu HDTV Antennas
Mohu makes it easy to cut the cord and enjoy free over air TV broadcasts in high definition. Using the latest in military-grade, digital technology, Mohu indoor and outdoor HDTV antennas are easy to set up and use. Mohu cord cutters save big bucks each month by eliminating expensive cable and satellite TV service and […]

Time Warner Cable Prioritizes Profits, Comcast Offends Customers
These, ladies and gentlemen, are the leaders in the pay-TV industry. The pinnacles of what other companies strive to be. When we heard the latest on both Time Warner Cable and Comcast, we were more disappointed than Seahawks fans coming out of the Super Bowl. It’s certainly no surprise that either of these companies would […]

3 Reasons Why an HDTV Antenna is the Best Way to Watch Super Bowl XLIX
For the last five years, the Super Bowl has been the most watched sporting event in US history. Last year, when the Seattle Seahawks blew out the Denver Broncos 43-8, over 111 million people tuned in. Whether it’s for the commercials or the athletic spectacle, there’s no denying that the Super Bowl is a cherished […]

Just How Bad is the “Best” Cable Company?
You’re tensed up. “Am I ahead of the curve or just skating by?” Nervousness sets in. “You’ve done a good job this year,” you tell yourself. “But is that enough?” Imagine your last performance review. Even with rock star-level accomplishments, it’s not uncommon for the uncertainty bug to latch on and inject seeds of doubt. […]

Sling TV CEO Reveals More Details for Cordcutters in reddit Q&A
Have you seen the headlines? If you didn’t follow CES, you may have missed a big takeaway: the cable industry has lost its power to control of how we watch TV. It feels good to be on the winning team. Cordcutters, we’ve got a wealth of new information regarding Sling TV, straight from CEO Roger […]

The Big 3 Streaming Services for Cordcutters: Amazon, Hulu, Netflix
If you’re looking to save money and still get lots of movies and television programs to watch in 2015, cut the cord and supplement your over-the-air free HDTV with paid streaming media services from Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon. These time-tested video streaming services offer thousands of entertainment options, for very little additional cost […]

Savvy New Year’s Resolutions for 2015
The beginning of a new year is a great reason to decide to embrace fresh ideas, and act to improve your life or the lives of others. Making savvy New Year’s resolutions is easier than you think. To make a change, simply choose something and get started. If your New Year’s resolutions include saving money, staying […]

Comcast Employee Hosts a reddit AMA, Candidly Answers Questions
Have you heard of reddit? It’s one of those Internet hubs where anonymous people gather to talk about anything and everything. Sometimes reddit conversations boil down to debauchery (and cat photos), whilst other times they bring about professionals that are just fed up with their jobs. A recent conversation topic, specifically an AMA (“ask me anything”), […]

Most Memorable Cord Cutting Moments of 2014
With the availability of easy to use digital antennas capable of acquiring over-the-air free TV signals in HD, and wireless internet streaming media devices for supplementing OTA TV entertainment, cord cutting has truly become a viable option to expensive cable and satellite television service in 2014. As a new year dawns, let’s take a look […]