3 Free Awesome Apps for Cord Cutters, Mohu

3 Free Awesome Apps for Cord Cutters

In addition to getting all your local broadcast channels free over air with your Mohu antenna, cord cutters can use free streaming media apps and and services for even more quality alternatives to traditional subscription TV. Three of my favorite free streaming media services are: Crackle, PlutoTV, and Red Bull TV. Available across multiple platforms, […]

Red Sox baseball field, How to Watch MLB Games as a Cord Cutter, Mohu

How to Watch MLB Games as a Cord Cutter

Spring is in the air, the Madness has subsided, and now it’s time for that great American pastime known as baseball. Up until a few months ago, cord cutting baseball fans were left somewhat high and dry by Major League Baseball, as many of the broadcasted games aired on cable. However, recent changes in the […]

Guest Post: Top 10 Cord Cutting Myths Debunked, Mohu

Guest Post: Top 10 Cord Cutting Myths Debunked

The cable companies are losing subscribers in droves. Why? Consumers are fed up with the high prices, terrible customer service, long-term contracts, hundreds of useless channels, and all of the other headaches and hassles that come with a cable TV subscription. But not everyone is cutting the cord just yet. Some people are still hesitant […]

Living room with Mohu logo on the TV, Mohu leaf 50 antenna on the wall, Mohu Spotlight: Leaf 50 HDTV Antenna

Mohu Spotlight: Leaf 50 HDTV Antenna

The Mohu Leaf 50 (sometimes seen as the Mohu Ultimate) is a powerful, easy to use cord cutting tool that can be setup in minutes and provide you with all the available over air TV channels in your area for free! I love to use this antenna in my own home to pull in all the […]

Mohu Leaf 30 antenna, Mohu Spotlight: Leaf 30 OTA Antenna

Mohu Spotlight: Leaf 30 OTA Antenna

If you are contemplating cutting the cord, the Leaf 30 HDTV indoor antenna is a smart choice! It’s flat, simple design is easy to place in any room, either vertically or horizontally, without any negative effects on the Leaf 30’s performance. Because it’s multidirectional, obtaining over-the-air signals from all directions, it doesn’t have to be […]