Mid-Year 2015: Top Stories Affecting Cord Cutters
Six months into 2015 it’s evident that this has been a pivotal year for consumers looking to save money and cut the cord with cable and satellite TV. These are a few of the top stories related to cord cutting and streaming media services which are affecting cord cutters this year. January 2015 – Sling […]

KilltheCableBill’s Cord Cutting FAQ
Top 5 Cord Cutting FAQ from KilltheCableBill.com When it comes to running a blog about cord cutting, you tend to get a lot of emails and tweets from people who need your help. Some people are super specific, but the vast majorities of the questions I receive are relatively straight forward. People want to know […]

Cord Cutting Success Stories – reddit /r/cordcutters
The cable companies are out beating the drums, trying to tell you it costs more to ditch cable than to keep your cable subscription. We could show you charts, graphs, and other great evidence to prove cord cutting is cheaper, sometimes by a lot, but we decided to let others do that for us. Here […]

Amazon Reviewers Praise Mohu HDTV Antennas
Do you want to cut the cord, but are still on the fence about what antenna to buy? Read what Amazon reviewers have to say about Mohu’s innovative line of HDTV antennas, and you’ll soon be convinced to cut the cord with Mohu too! Mohu Leaf 30 DOES IT WORK? YOUBETCHA! A 5 star review […]

How I Helped My Parents Cut the Cord
Earlier this year I set up my parents so they could cut the cord. Already they had cut their cable TV package down to $22 a month, paying only for local channels. My parents do not watch very much TV, and when they do, they watch local channels. For the $22, they received 15 channels in […]

Watching Tennis Without Cable: Over-the-Air & Streaming
From Streaming to OTA – Tennis Fans Have Options In recent years, it has become incredibly difficult to watch Tennis on broadcast television. There was once a time when CBS and NBC would air all the major tournaments and fans could pop an antenna on their TV and tune into the action; but sadly, the […]

Common Questions from New Cord Cutters
I Just Cut the Cord and Purchased a Streaming Box, Now What? Congratulations on joining the cord cutting family! Now that you have done the hard part of canceling cable, you can get to the fun part of exploring the great big world of free and inexpensive content. The first thing to do is buy […]

Cord Cutting Setup: Dave Kennedy of KilltheCableBill.com
How KilltheCableBill Enjoys Cable Free Entertainment Antenna + Streaming Box + Streaming Services = Cable Freedom One of the most popular questions I get from Kill the Cable Bill readers is: “What’s your cord cutting setup?” I love this question because there are so many ways I can answer it. Maybe you only use your […]

Cutting The Cord: 4 Things I’ve Discovered – SavvySleuth.com
My life changed for the better a couple of years ago when as a Top 50 Amazon Reviewer I got the chance to review the Mohu Ultimate antenna. I was thrilled with its ease of use and performance, and when I figured out I could enjoy all the major networks including ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX […]

70% of Cord Cutters Pay Less Than $30 A Month For TV
A recent survey at /r/Cordcutters, on reddit, showed over 70% of cord cutters now pay less than $30 a month for their video entertainment content. Since they canceled cable, 44% of those cord cutters pay less than $20 a month for all their video entertainment! (The caveat, of course, is that this does not account for the amount […]

Watching Golf Without Cable or Satellite TV
There are very few sports as long lived as golf. Created in 15th century Scotland, golf is still enjoyed by millions of people worldwide; and it’s easy to see why. The stillness of the green, the satisfaction of making a putt, and even the frustration of shanking a shot into woods; they all provide a certain […]

Top 5 Things I Discovered After Cutting the Cord – CordCuttersNews.com
The only shows I wanted to watch live, I could watch over the air for free. When we realized 90% of what we watched was days old fromthe DVR, we asked ourselves, “Why are we paying $110 a month just for TV?” Cable channel shows are freely available on services like Hulu, Amazon, or iTunes. […]