Pink piggy bank with money on a table

Even More Ways to Save Money by Cutting the Cord

Cord cutting for many people is a way to save money, but beyond not paying for cable TV there are many other different ways to save money. We’ve previously shared tips on how to save money on your internet bill. Now, let’s take a look at more ways you could save money by cutting the cord. […] logo

Mohu Joins to Advocate for Americans’ Access to Broadcast TV

From MOHU JOINS TVFREEDOM.ORG TO ADVOCATE FOR AMERICANS’ ABILITY TO EASILY ACCESS FREE, LOCAL BROADCAST TV THROUGH MULTIPLE DIGITAL PLATFORMS With nearly 13 million “broadcast-TV-only” homes in U.S. and climbing, the need for policymakers to protect consumers’ access to free, local television remains essential Washington, D.C. – TVfreedom today announced that Raleigh-based Mohu, a leading […]

photo of Panthers and Seahawks players on the field, NFL Divisional Playoffs: Watch every game for free in HD, mohu logo

NFL Divisional Playoffs: Watch every game for free in HD

NFL Divisional Playoffs Schedule Wow. They don’t call it the Wild Card round for nothing. If you missed last week’s first round of NFL playoffs, then you missed some of the most exciting football games of the year. All 4 road teams won their Wild Card matchup, which has literally never happened before. Who would have guessed […]

2016 Resolutions

Help Friends and Family Save Money in 2016

The New Year is here and maybe this year we should all make a resolution to help others save money. Helping people save money is like giving a gift that keeps on giving. Every month they save money by canceling cable is like a new gift you gave them. But how do you talk to someone […]

Choosing the Best HDTV Antenna. Mohu

When Cable Outages Hit, HDTV Antennas Provide Back-Up

Time Warner Cable Outage Strikes Carolinas Over the weekend, thousands of Time Warner Cable subscribers experienced cable outages, internet outages, and even phone outages. The outages lasted for hours. Customers in the Carolinas, we are currently working on resolving an issue causing service problems. No ETR at this time. ^FG — TWC Help (@TWC_Help) December […]

Cable bill sitting on a table, coax cable being cut by scissors, A Look Back At 2015 in Cord Cutting, mohu logo

A Look Back At 2015 in Cord Cutting

Cord cutting had a big year in 2015. Many think it was the tipping point from cord cutting being a small hobby to a mass movement that will only keep growing. 2015 was full of new services and new devices with every major streaming set-top box manufacturer coming out with at least one new device […]