Watch 2016 Presidential Election Coverage Without Cable
Stay up-to-date on the latest 2016 Presidential election coverage without cable using an HDTV antenna, streaming online, or on your favorite streaming device.

Watching the 2016 World Series Without Cable
Watch the entire 2016 World Series between the Cubs and the Indians in all its historic glory for free in HD with an antenna or stream it online, no cable or satellite needed.

How to Watch The Walking Dead Without Cable
The Walking Dead is back for its seventh season (premiering Sunday, October 23 at 9 p.m. ET). Here’s how you can watch each week without cable.

How Cord Cutters Can Catch the MLB Playoffs 2016
It’s October, which means it’s time for the MLB Playoffs. Luckily for cord cutters, you have multiple options for catching all the playoff action.

6 Ways Cord Cutters Can Watch the Presidential Debates
Your complete cord cutter’s guide to watching the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates for free or with low-cost streaming services of your choice.

Can I Watch the 2016 Emmy Awards with My Antenna?
Fans of the best of TV can tune into the 68th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards this Sunday, September 18 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC using an antenna.

Free Over-The-Air TV Sees Huge Growth
Free over-the-air TV saw big growth in Q2, corresponding with pay-TV’s even bigger drop in subscribers and people’s increasing desire for TV on their terms.

How to Watch College Football Without Cable
Fall is the most popular season for many sports fans because it means football is back. Cord cutters, here’s how to watch college football without cable.

2016 NFL Season Cord Cutting Guide
Are you ready for some football? Here’s how to watch as much of the 2016 NFL season as you’d like without needing cable or satellite.

5 Reasons an Antenna is the Best Way to Watch Football
Good news for NFL loving cord cutters is that you have more options than ever to watch without cable, but here’s why you’ll want to watch with a TV antenna.

Why an HDTV Antenna is a Must Have for College Students
Everything college students need to enjoy all the TV and movies they want for as little cost as possible, from Amazon Prime Student to an HDTV antenna.

A Cord Cutter’s Guide to NFL Preseason
NFL is back, which means cord cutters can again enjoy America’s #1-rated TV event… and this year, you have more options than ever for watching all the action, from over-the-air broadcasts to NFL Network on Sling TV.