If you’re like us, you’ve been chomping at the bit to get your hands on the latest gizmos and gadgets on the marketplace. If you were late to the Black Friday and Cyber Monday parties, don’t fret, there’s still time to get in some last-minute holiday shopping before the big day(s) arrives.
For the Gamer (Sorry, Nintendo!):
Xbox One
Microsoft’s Xbox (All-In) One continues getting better. Microsoft recently added some meat to One’s bones by releasing the Master Chief Collection, which chronicles the Halo journey from introduction to present day. Careful with going too accessories-happy — an extra controller will set you back around $60. You’ve still got time to run out and grab the special Xbox One Assassin’s Creed bundle and get a little extra bang for your buck.
Playstation 4
Weighing in against the One is Sony’s Playstation 4, which has been on a tear since release last year. The system still boasts higher sales than Microsoft’s offering, and promises a huge 2015. You might still be able to find some deals — Sony’s got a few bundles roaming around the ‘net with some game and movie pack-ins.

In addition to amazing graphics and gaming capabilities, these two devices are also perfect for cordcutters, too. Either one can double as a streaming device so you can enjoy Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu, and more!
For the Gadget-lover (of any age!):
Go Pro4 (Black or Silver edition)
“Handy” doesn’t really describe this little wonder-camera. It has been taken to space, dropped from an airplane, and even mounted in the Mohu offices to capture some warehouse basketball. It’s not cheap, but it’s the best on the market, hands-down.
We’ve got a slew of other great gift ideas for the gadget and tech enthusiast but we wanted to throw the GoPro’s hat in the ring as well.
For the non-gadget lover:
So you’re not a consumerist that thrives off the latest gadgetry? No worries. Here are a few websites where you can find custom gifts for anyone on your list.
Etsy – Handmade goods, jewelry, clothing and more. Admittedly, it may be too late to hop on the Etsy gift train by Christmas, but a gift this thoughtful can be worth the wait.
ShapeWays – 3D printed paradise
Personal creations – We aren’t really sure what they sell. Probably not personal creations.
For the everyday citizen who is tired of paying for TV:
Hmm, if only there was a company that turned something pricey into something free … Wait! We know of one that does just that, and we know ’em well. Give the gift of free television this holiday season with Mohu — we make more than just awesome HDTV antennas; these antennas are also a ticket to more financial freedom! Save $50 or $100 every month by dropping cable and still get access to 97 of the top 100 TV shows running today.
Each of these paper-thin antennas comes with $200 in bonus coupons! It’s easy to figure out which one is best for whoever is the lucky recipient – just plug in their zip code in our handy zip code tool to see which channels each of our antennas will pull in and go from there!
Mohu Leaf 30 (30-mile range) – $39.99
Mohu Leaf 50 (50-mile range) – $69.99
Mohu Leaf Metro (25-mile range) – $24.99

And if you’re needing to pull in channels from a little farther away, we’ve got you covered there too:
Mohu Sky 60 (60-mile range) – $149.99

Stay tuned to www.gomohu.com, our blog, Facebook, and Twitter for some potential last-minute savings as well!