Scissors cutting a coax cable, Am I a Cord-Cutter, Mohu

Am I a Cord-Cutter?

Cord-cutting is a growing trend as cable bills continue to rise. Many consumers don’t know if they are good candidates for cord-cutting and Mohu is here to help sort that out. 1. Can you get good over-the-air (OTA) reception at your home? Use our TV for Free tool to determine what stations you can get […]

Photo of an open calendar on a desk with a pen and purple flowers in the corner, Cutting the Cord--One Month Later, Mohu

Cutting the Cord–One Month Later

Mohu has a guest blogger today. Last month, Michelle–a friend of Sarah’s–wrote her experience about cutting the cord. She’s back with an update. I was a little nervous when we started our cord-cutting experience and there have been a few glitches with the cable company, but overall I’m really happy with our experience. I found […]

hands holding scissors, cutting a cord, I Cut the Cord and Lived to Tell About It, Mohu

I Cut the Cord and Lived to Tell About It

Today’s blog is guest written by Michelle, a friend of Sarah’s (Mohu’s usual blogger). Michelle recently cut the cord and is going to tell her story. We’ve had cable for at least the past ten years. While cleaning out some file cabinets I found some old cable bills. The same service we have today used […]

Choosing the Best HDTV Antenna. Mohu

Choosing the Best HDTV Antenna

At Mohu, we know we sell the best HDTV antennas on the market. The Mohu Leaf was first paper thin antenna and  is still one of the best selling HDTV antennas on Amazon. It comes in two versions, the Mohu Leaf and the Mohu Leaf Ultimate which has with an amplifier (more on that later). […]

Top Ten Reasons to be Cord-Cutter, Mohu

Top Ten Reasons to be Cord-Cutter

1. Be smart and don’t waste money on cable  The average cable bill is $84/month. Multiply that by 12 months/year and you just saved $1000. Whoo-hooo! 2. Your cable bill will never  go up because…you don’t have cable. TV is free. The way it was meant to be. 3. OTA (over the air) shows are […]

Crayon drawn heart on paper with crayons, Why We Love Broadcast (Over-The-Air) TV, Mohu

Why We Love Broadcast (Over-The-Air) TV

You may not know it, but rabbit ears on your TV are cool again. And our 21st century Mohu antennas are not your father’s rabbit ears. Our HDTV antennas are slick and stylish. The Mohu Leaf can be painted to match your décor, hang quietly on a wall or hide behind a picture. And while […]