Tablo DVR home screen

3 Popular Over-the-Air DVRs for Cord Cutters

An Antenna’s Best Friend, the OTA DVR Taking a Look at Price, Features and Functionality An important item in any cord cutters arsenal is the OTA DVR. Live television via an over-the-air antenna is great, but it’s also nice to have something that can record your favorite shows when you’re not around. It is also a huge advantage to be […]

cable tv set-top boxes contribute to global e-waste

Cable TV Boxes Adding To Problem Of Global E-Waste

The problem is a global one. Consumers are hungry for entertainment and new electronics, but what do we do with the old stuff? Unfortunately, our insatiable desire for newer, faster and more efficient electronics has literally created piles of obsolete electronics that threaten to consume the landscape; polluting ecosystem as we try to rid ourselves of […]